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Mama's Armour

Empowering Mamas

To Feed Anywhere, Anytime

Mama's Armour

At Mama’s Armour, our mission is to empower breastfeeding mamas with the confidence to feed anytime, anywhere, with our stylish breastfeeding covers.

3-in-1 Sets

Every one of our feeding covers comes in a drawstring bag for easy storage and with a convenient matching burp cloth, making feeding on the go as seamless as possible

999 Sterling Silver Cups

Silver is known for it’s anti-fungal and anti-bacterial healing properties, preventing cuts, infections and sores while breastfeeding. Our breastfeeding cups are made with the highest grade 999 sterling silver, making them a must-have for feeding Mamas in the early weeks.

Mama Approved

24/7 Availablity

Worldwide Shipping